Trevo's Family
Our pack is a strange one, we have big, small, furry, bold, fat and thin. The only thing in common is their affection!
This friend is crossed Greyhound with Galgo and a bit larger size than the others. Rescued by BAAS Galgos. We went to Cordoba to adopt Baco and we could not resist his look. He is sweet, loves to be patted and will demand it.

We arrived from a TVP rescue in Beja 11/27/16. With several health problems she now recovers slowly. Very friendly and loving.

She moved into the house and appears little in the farm. If you see her, you will recognize her quickly through her muscular structure. Arrived on Dec / 14.
The sweetest Rottweiler in the world was dumped on our road on Christmas Eve with skin diseases. She is Baco's best friend, she loves everyone... the most adored without a doubt.
This is our cheerful leader of the pack, always smilling, he is Petra's best friend. Whoever comes to the farm will love to see them play. He came from Cordoba in 2010 with Gabriel.
With the elegance of the Russian nobility, this friend appears seldomly in the farm if it is hot. Our first Borzoi.

Italian greyhound with funny teeth, can only be seen if the tempertura is warm.

German Shepherd crossed with Podengo originated the funniest thing. Came from Angels Animal Refuge Nov / 16. He is our guard ... but only at night! In the daytime he is nice.
This young lady has been with us since February 2014. She came from APA in Torres Vedras, after a near-death rescue. .Always running and playing ... and always looking for something to eat.

Ludmila's daughter, she joined her mother Nov/15. She does not like to mix with the galgos ... she says they are agitated :)

The pug that thinks is a galgo, despite her weight and size she runs and jumps like the big ones. Spends the day at the farm doing nonsense.

Brunna, Leonor, Maria Inês, Zézinha e Juanita - Trevo's Chihuahuas. They do not show up much during office hours due to their size and bad temperment ... they attack the horses and the rest of the inhabitants of Trevo :)